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Making a correct diagnosis can be very difficult when symptoms are vague, signs inconclusive and radiographic.

At the Bristol Specialist Dental Clinic we have endodontists who have a vast amount of experience in recognising subtle and complex symptoms which allows them to provide accurate diagnsosis.


Some patients have limited opening, which can make access to posterior teeth very difficult.

Our endodontists are experts in being able to gain access to these openings and make any procedure as successful and comfortable for the patients.

Calcified canals

These can be difficult to locate and are usually found in the older patient, the heavily restored tooth or one that has suffered trauma.

Curved Canals

These can be quite difficult to deal with and require particular techniques and instrumentation. Without them, ledging, blocking, stripping or perforation of the canal is easily done.


Previous endodontic treatment that has failed may be best dealt with by the specialist. This includes dealing with blockages and perforations, the removal of posts as well as existing root filling materials - including pastes, gutta percha and silver points as well as fractured instruments.

Fractured Instruments

This is a hazard of endodontic treatment. Separation of instruments happens to everyone at some time but this is not a negligent act. Do tell the patient what has happened. Use our Consent form prior to treatment to ensure the patient is aware of the risks.


Using ultrasonic's and other advanced post removal kits we are able to remove almost all posts avoiding the need for surgical intervention giving a better long-term result.


A hazard when locating canals or incurved canals or often during post preparation. We use MTA and a number of related products to successfully repair all types of perforation.

Surgical Endodontics

For surgical treatments, the latest microsurgical techniques are used and all surgery is carried out under the microscope. Many cases that used to be treated by endodontic surgery can now be dealt with by disassembly and orthograde re-treatment using MTA. The results are more predictable and successful than ever before.